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Old 09-15-2017, 03:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Cronus View Post
I am still nursing a broken finger from an attempt in too big of surf at Leo. And that was just from trying to hold my kayak in place in the low surf before getting on. The returns can be intimidating, especially after hearing some of the large waves crash off those rocks. I have a Feelfree Lure 13.5 kayak which is very stable, 36" wide. On the day with the huge waves I never rolled but got pulled back to shore while trying to launch which just wiped me out, was totally out of gas. Had to wait like 30 min before I had the energy to try again. But have been very lucky lately. I will be out there tomorrow trying to stock my freezer with fish. Both Saturday and Sunday look to be very low surf days. Hopefully this will not be the third time in a row that I forget a hat......

And is anyone using bait or just jigs and soft bodies? I usually have some frozen squid out while I am working a jig. I do not have a bait tank so no live bait for me. I will occasionally re-hook a mackerel and send him back out but have not had luck wit that yet. Have some new grubs I want to try along with some lures that have still not seen the water yet.
OUCH. Sorry to hear about the broken finger. I count myself pretty lucky that I walked away with just some scrapes yesterday, as I got in that one spot you're never supposed to be with the kayak between you and a wave.

My setup is looking pretty similar, though I have a live bait tank and a sabiki.
I'm probably going to go out in the afternoon and make a few more dry launches/landings so I'm ready to put some actual tackle and equipment in my boat on Sunday morning. Happy to share the wealth if I can make bait.
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