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Old 09-06-2017, 06:20 AM   #22
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Location: Menifee, CA
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I once tried a paddle kayak when I first started this sport out. Would launch out of Dana Point and usually headed south. When I was fishing the paddle was always in the way. I had no control over it when drifting unless I was paddling, which means that I wasn't holding the fishing pole while fishing.

One day the wind came up and it took me roughly 2.5 hours to get back to the harbor. It was rough, for every two feet I went forward the wind kicked me back one and a half feet. There was no rudder, so the wind pushed the kayak all over the place, couldn't keep it straight. Was very tired and sore for the next week or so.

The next weekend went to see Tim at DP Jet Ski, he let me demo an Outback for the day. When I got back I bought a PA and haven't looked back.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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