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Old 09-04-2017, 09:58 PM   #7
King Saba
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For reference, I've done 13+ miles in a trip before when I was still in my Revo 13. Wasn't really that tired the next day. Before that, I used to do 4-6mile trips in my wide Malibu Stealth 12 and I was aching and super fatigued the next day.

Pedal kayaks- faster overall, hands free application, and easy to maintain course.

Paddle kayaks- Can be faster if you buy narrow carbon fiber crafts like a stealth profisha, BUT is generally a hassle when trying to hold position.

Overall I love my Hobie kayaks. They're tough, helped me become a better angler, and gives me more time while on the water to focus on fishing rather than maintaining position. But, I do miss paddling for its minimalist application. I take much more caution with my Hobies since there are more moving parts that can break when handled carelessly.
Baitfish catcher extraordinaire
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