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Old 08-29-2017, 03:34 PM   #3
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
Posts: 2,639
Monday LJ

I was there and the current and wind got really strong. I had thought after making bait I would head South along the kelp edge and head back north before the wind was too bad. That was a mistake because before I know it I was down by the border to the South La Jolla State Reserve and went to a little deeper water before heading back. It was a washing machine out there and the wind kept picking up and the current was also going somewhat south. It made the return a huge pain. I did not get to the launch till 4:15 pm, had launched at 6:20 am. Spent almost 6 hours pedaling against the wind and current. Every time I stopped to change the bait, grab another beer or bring in one of the two Yellows I got yesterday, I would drift back what took me 15-20 minutes to cover while trolling and going into the wind. The GPS showed a normal pedal was only gaining me between .5 to 1.3 knots, on flat water that's about 3 knots. Both Yellows were smaller, the first was the best fight but when I had it close to the Kayak I had the gaft ready but I could see it was under 22 lbs so I decided to release it. I estimated it to be about 18 lbs the second was caught closer to the cove and was a rat about 8 lbs, just added a picture front the front mounted Go Pro of the rat. Both got a picture and a kiss to grow bigger on. It was fun to pull on a Yellow and hear the clicker scream and the drag sing again after 5 weeks, bait and rock fish just aren't enough to get the juices going.
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MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )

Last edited by FISH11; 08-29-2017 at 09:08 PM.
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