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Old 08-29-2017, 01:55 PM   #2
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Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Originally Posted by GTboosted View Post
Its not the design but the worn paint that will look bad after a short while.

I do agree with others though. Its good to diy but the Hobie Livewell is the business. After I adjusted the intake, it self primes in a few seconds and I've had no other issues since.
With the other kayaks I had, I always built the Small Vittles Dog food container with the over the side pump, built in battery box, but using a drain tube instead of holes on the side for the drainage. I built 3 different ones and got great deals on the Tsunami 500 pump kit with aerator fittings and hose for about $43 at Walmart. In each case I only saved around $40 on each and it was the fun of doing it and trying different positions for pump or drains. But when I got a Hobbie Revo 13, I used 1 for a while and then having the $ I decided to buy the Hobie bait tank, it works great, just had to get some stainless screen material with the correct size opening and shove it in the intake hose,so as to not have a constant eel grass in the motor impeller problem every trip out to LJ. The only real pain I see is when I have to use the plug in wheelez the bait tank can't be in the right place and if you are using the tank's rod holder for your gear, it is extra work to get ready to launch. That is why I love being able to drive onto the sand at LJ.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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