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Old 08-08-2017, 07:05 PM   #3
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
Posts: 2,638
I think I saw you going out from the bait area. After getting a few (8) Macs a Bonito and one extra large greenback, I pined on the greenback and he started going west then a little north then west. I was going out in the same direction as you and just letting the Mac take me to what I was hoping would be some larger bait balls and Yellows. I went as for as 165 feet and saw you kept going in the direction of the New Seaforth. I went out to mark his spot just like you did but on Saturday. So I didn't need to go that far yesterday and besides the only good marks I had seen were in shallower water 55'-70', so after drifting back in I stayed in the marks zone. I still never got a bite and my friend I was fishing with part of the day had a hook up but quick break off, provably a shark. At least it was nice to load up on bait that had been near impossible to find the last 2 1/2 weeks. I was hoping finding bait would allow me to drift more and pedal to Revo less, but the strong current and wind made me pedal almost as much as I had done on Saturday. Going against the current and wind from 40' back to 80' would take at least 1/2 hour when pedaling at a normal pace and the drift back in took less than 10 minutes. If you didn't pedal a little harder you just stayed in place, it was like being on a treadmill. Congrats on the nice rock fish.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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