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Old 08-20-2008, 11:24 AM   #11
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
Oh boy, where do I start?

Hardcore Chuck lollollollollollollollol

The guy who told me he was sooooooooooo hardcore, and I couldn't go over 1.75 miles an hour without ever losing you, and headed for the barn by 8:00 a.m. (one morelol). You are a joke.
Everytime I turned around you were "DRIFTING" out of sight (everytime). It was pretty funny though, watching your bow barely above the water line, packed full of ice and crap, good thinking. Was this what first pissed you off, when I reccomended you maybe move the weight to the back? I was very nice about this, constantly waiting for you, constantly. I remember telling you "maybe this is a hidden blessing, since the possibility of passing the golden paddy in the dark". This was my attempt to stay positive, and make you feel better about being a 200lb anchor attached to me.

Listening to you tell me the bait is fine, when I can hear it freaking out in your tank with a timer. My tank with four times the flow, and you get pissed when I ask to put them in mine. You telling me : "I've never had problems with the kayatank", well now you have. Begging you every 15 minutes to please just check on them, and you getting pissed everytime, pretty funny. As a wingman, I thought we had the same goal: Do everything we could to make it to "the zone" with as much lively bait as possible. You on the other hand let your' tank fill up with dead rolled bait, with the pump turning off and on, good job. when I finally came up to you to save the remaining bait, I was horrafied when I looked in your tank. I don't know if you just like to be cruel to little fish, or were just trying to sabotage the trip, but pretty funny if it wasn't on purpose, good job.

Like any trip, I don't use the sonar/GPS combo unit when navigating the bay or going to the pier, sorry if you feel the need. Pretty easy to just hug the shorline, just like we did. It wasn't exactly pea soup fog, more like a beautiful clear night, with the brightest full moon I ever saw. I was clear to tell you that I wasn't familiar with the point from a kayak, and crossing it in the dark was going to be a challenge. I didn't see the point in both of us using the sonar while crossing a mat of kelp, boy that's risky. I only asked you the depth, so we could maybe pick up the pace if outside the kelp, and never asking our position. Why would I need our position if Point Loma is clearly right behind us (it's HUGE) ? My plan for the trip was to save the battery in case I had to Come back in the dark, I don't need to watch kelp, I'm not that easily ammused (safety first). I realized we got real lucky, as I had to cross the surface kelp with the paddle, and couldn't use the mirage drive on the way in. So save that track, as it's the best one, dumb luck I guess.

As it approached 5 a.m. it became clear we were going to be no where near the nine by sun up. Again, I keep circling back again and again, seeing what I can do to help you. Then I find out you are dragging jigs in the dark, pretty smart lol. I can't believe as a wingman who is always way behind, it seemed a good idea to "hay I'm gonna troll multiple jigs in the dark", seriously dude.

Did it hurt your feelings when I told you days prior that the Tuna were hitting tiny jigs, not your giant Rapala Magnum? Did it bother you when I told you "all you are going to catch was sharks with that"? Sounds like pretty sound advice to me, but hey your super smart, atleast that's what you told me. By the way, what did you catch, smart guy?

My 56 year old wingman from last week never left my side. We kept a safe distance to simply not cross lines, without me having to say a thing. We did everthing we could to save bait, and quit feeding the sharks. I don't know if you caught that, but they weren't the target species? Anyone looking for an awesome wingman, give Smokey a call, the guy is hardcore, never cried, and couldn't be more safe.

I have no idea what you are talking about in reference to me talking crap about your gear. You have a set of Seeker black steele rods and 5 Avets, sounds good to me.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you couldn't see a Marlin jumping, not in the least. You were no where near me when that happened (MORE LIES). I started screaming at you minutes later as you were coming into screaming range (still far off, so don't lie), as I would like to be warned of such a sighting. I've caught plenty of Marlin, and am a good judge of size, and know how to catch them. Which is why I didn't put a bait in the water with the light Tuna line. This is when I finally turned on the sonar/GPS combo unit, and marked the spot, as I didn't see a need one second sooner. Not to mention this is my fourth sonar/GPS combo unit, and they are simple to use by the way (more lies). By the way Chuck, quite a few Marlin are taken from that area, so "don't try to act like you have any idea what you are talking about" (ask around). My favorite quote from you was: "well you should be hooked up by now, if you saw a marlin".lol I'm gonna write that one down, and tell it to every salty captain I see, good one, smart guy.

As far as the PFD, I have what is legally required by law, and have a bad habit of being very comfortable in a kayak without wearing one, sorry. I surf 6 hour sessions with no problem and would never have a problem swimming a couple of miles, never saw the need fishing within eye-sight of the kelp in La Jolla, sorry. I would never tell anyone a PFD isn't a good idea, and would reccomend they wear it at all times, so again you lost me on the safe issue.

Yes, I've been looking at Epirbs, VHF with internal GPs, everyday as a matter of fact, and didn't want to rush into a cheapy radio, sorry. I would prefer to buy the best, and have piece of mind for trips like this in the future. The part of me not being safe is pretty funny though, as I've never gone inshore/offshore without a wingman with a radio, and a bilge-pump. You assured me you had tons of lights, and we had multiple headlights and a giant spotlight each. Yet by 8:00 a.m a few miles off the point, you said "this isn't safe", I'm outa here.

I would love to see your gps track from your' solo trip to the 9 mile bank, fourteen miles out, since you never went over 1.7 miles an hour, and never made it past a few miles last time, and brilliant idea going solo, REAL SAFE. One morelol


Last edited by THE DARKHORSE; 08-21-2008 at 10:25 AM.
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