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Old 07-07-2017, 05:03 AM   #1
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Putting the pieces together

Long time coming. Catching one of these fish on a squid bite is one thing, and trying to fool one of theses fish with live bait is a whole different animal . No tape shot and no on the water photo (sadly). Just some lame driveway photos and some primo fillets. Who could argue that the sweet taste of this fish might be the best the West Coast has to offer? 42 lb on the bathroom scale. Probably tied with my personal best. Caught with live bait on edge of kelp. Needless to say that's where he ran. Drag set lightly, just enough to get a good hook set but not enough to slow the train down, which led to him to him taking more line than I would like. I had another line in water and partially got crossed up but was fortunate to get it cleared without any problem. When I got the line cleared and got on top of the fish I felt pretty good but within minutes there was that sinking feeling when I felt all that resistance from the thickest section of the weeds. I was not gonna loose this fish. All of a sudden the fish try's to take a squirt and I quickly started to grind on him and turn his head. It was over. He came through that last 15 feet of kelp without hesitation. Catching this fish on fin bait feels like a giant milestone for me because it's like linking all the pieces of a good kayak angler. I've been fortunate to have caught 4 yellowtail this year ( all around 25 lb ) and now this sea bass. I've put time on the water to achieve my goal and I hope everybody has a great summer and does not give up up on their goals. I know that discouraging feeling of what it's like to go the first couple of years in this sport without having a fish under your belt. Don't give up. Tight lines everyone. Ohh, if you are fortunate enough to have landed one of this fish, never stick your hand in his gill rakers.
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