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Old 06-30-2017, 01:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Kardinal_84 View Post
Thanks all.

The weather has been brutal this year. But we did get lucky on derby day.

I have drifted the Kenai on several occasions. Mainly the Upper and Middle for trout. The returns of King Salmon on the Kenai have been terrible the past 5 or so years so I have not targeted them. However, this year, the early run king escapement appears much better than forecasted. If the second run is as good, I do plan on trying once or twice.

With the boat traffic on the Kenai though, I am not sure how I am going to land a large Kenai king. In the past I have caught several pinks and large trout and they were more difficult to land than a large halibut due to boat traffic and current.

We have a kayak angler that lives in Slat Lake City and comes up every summer to fish. As a machinist, he fabricated the golf club based harpoons and tips as a prizes for one of the derbies. they work great!

As always, if anyone on this forum is planning to come up and fish, give me a shout. The bad news is I am not a guide. Meaning that work and family take priority. The good news is that if you can hook up with me, its free! We go fishing a lot and we are more than happy to help where we can!
Very interesting and cool offer -- with so many possibilities -- a bucket list destination. Wish I still had the free transportation up there via work. Some Kenai river fishing days were reserved for non-guide fishing, but appears like that river has a lot of pressure on it. Wish they had a program of hatching the trophy fish roe -- Kept trophies weed out the spawning stock of trophies for future generations. Sounds like current and boat traffic are too much to try to target the big kings in that river by kayak -- maybe off the entrance or along the inlet coast just before they arrive ? The Salmon build up at the hatchery mouth in Valdez was amazing -- imagine it is similar at other choke points throughout the state -- what an amazing fishery !
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