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Old 06-20-2017, 10:17 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by bolocop View Post
I usually stay silent in this situation. What's the upside? You save some fish from being caught before an imaginary line? I see a lot of downside depending on who you run in to on the water. Maybe the guy starts hucking iron your way?

If DFG was so concerned about some imaginary line, they would put the buoys back and mark the MLPA.

Here's another point, in my years of fishing La Jolla, I've never seen DFG on the water (nor on shore for that matter...). If this MLPA thing was so vital, you think there would be enforcement. Can you imagine if you never saw CHP on the freeways? Would you start driving 100mph?

Honestly, if I see a huge bait ball before the MLPA, my sabiki is going down. Catch me if you can...
I guess it comes down to a few things; We all abide by the rules and the anti fishing crowd can't come after us, we say f them and start drawing attention to ourselves and it becomes a problem.
Yes it's an imaginary line and properly managed limits and seasons makes more sense than shutting down areas to recreational anglers but it's what we have for now and most of the fish are outside it anyway.
Ever heard of the tragedy of the commons? Essentially a few greedy pieces of shit ruin everything for everyone else and that guy and his buddy are those few people. Yeah other guy, I'm including you because you sat there spineless right next to him when you could have said something or just ditch him and start paddling for the reserve line.
I'll continue to let people know and if I get a negative response, it is what it is, I have no desire to fight someone but I'm not going to be afraid of some loudmouth douche bag either, I'll be the bigger man. The guys who said thanks all got tips on where to find bait too.
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