Thread: Before the MLPA
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Old 06-15-2017, 09:55 AM   #3
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Cant say whether it is any better or worse, we are just excluded from some inshore reef areas now. From the launch we are crossing over the left edge of La Jolla Canyon until we pretty much get off the cove. In all my scuba years diving that area I only have seen the occasional halibut I would have liked to catch - always near a sunken boat in the canyon.
The good kelp and deeper water structure is still outside the MPA area. Growing up I used to spearfish just left of the Marine Room where the sand turned into shallow rocky reef. Used to be really good for the surf perch, and I even connected with a white seabass back in that pocket in 3 feet of water. Of course, those were the good old days when I was pulling green and black abalone off the rocks literally inside the Cove...
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