Thread: LJ 8/13/AM
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Old 08-13-2005, 05:32 PM   #1
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LJ 8/13/AM

Got down to the beach around 5:15 to find a full beach. Squeezed in and unloaded. Headed north for bait. Just past the launch a couple of dolphins picked me up. Really wild, with the bioluminescence. Two of them would surface 10ft off my port, then swing right underneath me. I could see the spectral outlines of them 3ft underneath me. Had my heart rate up a bit because they were so close, but a truly incredible experience. They played tag with me almost all the way to the pier.

Once the sun came up it was fast and furious sardines at the pier, with a couple of greenies mixed in. Drew, Steve P, and I think some other PN guys were all there as well (sorry I didn't recognize/meet everyone). I bounced a bait out to the canyon with no luck, then headed back to my rock fish spot for some shits and giggles. Sure enough, its lit up and I had six nice ones before I knew it. JimmH and butt buddy (aka Mark) sounded like they were doing the JimmH usual, so I called them on to the spot. First time I think I've ever seen Jimm reel in a fish. :shock: Fishing must have been slow because before we knew it the plastic navy was living up to its moniker and there was a small fleet working the spot. Oddly enough, it seemed the megabait was really the ticket because others had a slow pick, though I think a few guys got some good ones on bait. Our mini fleet attracted a stink boat, but by then I had limited+ so I got the hell out of dodge, with some pics courtesy of Mr. Knott.

Yes, this is what it has come to to, I'm happy about rockfish. Still, nice stringer with the biggest about 3lb.

Chased some birds out deep but they were just on spanish. Returned to the kelp to find a spot of little YT boiling behind Drew. He got one shortly thereafter and it seemed fishy for a while but no love for me. Some more witty reparte over the VHF (with lots of talk of Ken, Jimm, and the "Manhole"), the usual weekend moron encounters, and a whole lot of nothing fishy, and I was done. High tide landing with soft sand ment a nice drag of the yak up to the street. Said bye to Drew, a class act BTW (no sweat on the spot guy, I was just being facetious), and ended yet another tough week in sunny San Diego. :roll:

Oh yeah, Ken, I know you like stealth mode but you really should leave your radio on. You have no idea what's being said about you. Frankly, I don't think that's humanly possible.... :lol:
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