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Old 06-02-2017, 08:03 PM   #16
donkey roper
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Originally Posted by Aaron&Julie View Post
Chris(if that's your first name), this is not directed at you, but at a general direction that has been ongoing for quite some time now...

This website changed...6 or 7 years ago...don't expect timely reports from the "experts" have to be on their email list to get in on the hot bite.

I absolutely loved this website 12 and 13 years ago, when we didn't all worry about EXPOSING hot bites and ruining the fishing for us kayakers....bah-humbug

Of course, nowadays we have to worry about giving out "hot" info, otherwise we won't have LJ to ourselves, PBs and other bro/sister kayakers will be horning in on our locale...bah-humbug.
Do we need to treat LJ like it is our own surfing environment, for locals only?

The ocean is huge...Julie and I will continue to give out timely reports...always.

I don't like a lot of other PBers out there, or wads of kayak fishermen out there either, just like the next guy/gal, having it to ourselves is AWESOME.

If you need to keep the "bite" to yourself, why post it on a public forum at all?
You had a great catch, helping no one else along the way, do you really need more glory 3 months later? Hoo-rah!!! You da Man!

Just keep it among you elite, at the time of the bite...don't tell us how great it was 3 months ago to show us your accomplishments and how well you did WAY back then...WTF does that do for us now?

Yeehaw, you scored, YOU ARE AWESOME! Thanks for the info that absolutely does me NO GOOD today.

I'll be condemned by some here, mostly likely applauded silently by others. This isn't necessarily Julie's opinion, tho' we do see eye-to-eye.

Ouch! Ok here's a report...

One of the following fish was NOT caught this week in LJ:

A. Halibut
B. Yellowtail
C. Yellowtail Tuna
D. White Seabass
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