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Old 04-25-2017, 05:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Amish Ed View Post
I agree that they are more like smallies, least in my limited experience. Sandies, particularly the small ones, are weak fighters. Bigger ones are a about equal to a lmb.
The tiny sandie I landed fought harder than the big one I missed. Not sure if that is a species thing or a size thing (I think small bass are a load of fun to catch, especially on ultra light gear.)

Originally Posted by King Saba View Post
Saltwater bass fighting qualities from my experience:

Spotties: pound for pound the hardest fighter when compared to his cousins in the same weight class. They're always pissed, tough, and fight you until the surface and then they fight some more.

Calicos: The most explosive of the three. They hit surface, mid-column and bottom. They get big, tough, and will slam baits much larger than what they can fit in their mouths. They make runs, headshakes, and dive. The harder fighter when compared to a sand bass of the same weight.

Sand Bass: The laziest fighter of the three, but it doesn't mean that they don't fight. Their fight qualities are different in that they roll and make short dives. The bottom is home so that's where they go. Personally, I like these guys the most since you can find them anywhere and they are the least picky of the three.

Oh and largemouths are pussies compared to our saltwater bass. You can boat a largemouth in seconds. With a salty bass it takes longer.
Awesome perspective, thanks. I 100% agree that the LMB are the weakest/laziest of the bass species that I've caught. I've had 1000's of bass on a hook, and of them all, that last Spot that I hooked was the most exhilarating. I can't wait to get back out there and look for the larger ones!
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