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Old 03-31-2017, 07:28 AM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Finally got on the water...

It's been a tough month of March with all three Fred Hall Shows and on my time off I was working on the Battle of the Bays Tournaments...But...I finally had some time to get out fishing and score some delicious fish tacos on Tuesday.
It was two at a time once they started biting...

It was Chuck's first time on a kayak and he did great...look at that smile!

This PA 14 that Chuck is fishing on is for sale if anyone is interested...$2100 bare and $2500 with all the gear on it.

The AHI Squish Rockfish Rigs really killed em...Chuck was using them without a piece of squid and I was adding a strip of squid bait to mine. That pink glow-in-the-dark jig really had em going.
The bite didn't really pick up until the wind started blowing about 11am. We hit a few spots earlier in the day but then we came back to the money spot on our way back in and it really payed off...although we did have to switch from 5oz. to's funny how you'lll see plenty of fish marks on the meter yet nothing wants to bite... then the current or tide shifts and it's game on!
That new 180 drive is pretty cool...I was using it to back up into the wind and stay on the spot a few times.

Jim / Saba Slayer

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