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Old 01-18-2017, 10:13 PM   #1
Geno Machino
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: O'side
Posts: 553
1/17/17 LJ report

Short report: No Fish No Bites...

Long Report: Arrived at launch later than usual (7:30a) to 1' waves, slight offshore breeze, and overcast sky's. Took me awhile to get setup since this was my first LJ trip in the yak since last Jan. '16. I got side tracked for most of last year chasing (and catching a few of) those bigger model BFT. Met an old timer from this site named John as I was about ready to launch. We talked for a few and then we hit the water.

I peddled out to about 110'-140' of water dragging my sibiki and metering for any signs of bait - Zero. A little while later John came cruising over to the same area and I asked if he made any bait from over by the pier, and he said he had. Being the kool cat that he seems to be, he offered me a live mac. I accepted and hoped he'd have some good karma coming his way very soon! We hung out and B.S'ed for a while for no luck. The current went slack so I peddled all the back over to the pier and made 8 baits fairly quickly.

Then as I was crossing the canyon on my way back to the outside, I notice some dolphins about 100 yards away. We have all seen them like that, so I made no mind of it and continued on. Then all of a sudden I had 3 or 4 of them right below me and just ahead of me like they where riding a boats bow wave. I slowed down considerably as I did not want them to come up under me and possible flip me. As I slowed, so did they. They where inches from my kayak playing with me. I have never experienced an encounter that close with these gracious and mystic creatures. A couple of them turned and swan up next to me, while others played in front of me (they seemed close enough to touch). What a cool experience!

I preceded to cruse back to the outside and made a few more drifts in the same area as I did before. The current and the wind had picked up for a nice drift. I believed I metered fish, a few different times. They were not interested in my live mac's, nor whole squid and I even dropped the iron on the marks a few times - for a no go. Guess it just wasn't my day to be a hero.

I peddled in to ankle slapper waves, packed up and off to the homestead I drove.

One last note, which was interesting to me. The sea lions where coming up with salami sized macs, slapping them around and feeding on them. It was like the only fish down there was macs for them to feed on. Hencly, they left my baits alone.

I figure - a no report - is better than a no report. Hope, it helps someone...

Good Luck and Tight Lines,

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