Thread: Warden Stamp
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Old 01-06-2017, 09:32 AM   #15
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Law Enforcement

Look, I too am a law enforcement officer. I support most all of them (let's face it, there are some bad apples in uniform out there). AND, I love doggies, especially German Shepards! I believe to do their jobs to the best of their ability requires good equipment and I support that whole heartedly.

I have been buying fishing licenses my whole life, and I agree, that should be enough. This is not about the fine ladies and gentlemen who are game wardens. They will do their jobs no matter what, because that's what good public servants do. This is about the State of California, that even though I love and am proud of, has mismanaged funds and expects us to pay even more.

That said, I will buy the stamp, not for the state, but for the law enforcement officers, Game Wardens included, who risk their lives on a daily basis. If it will help them, I'm in. To all LE's out there, thank you for what you do in these trying times!

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