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Old 08-29-2016, 12:57 PM   #1
Live Watersports ProStaff
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Rolando Village
Posts: 224
Our Government is Great but it's what we have....

No one is forcing you to buy a license, you have the choice to fish and if you choose to fish then you must buy a license , or suffer the consequences. Period

No government or society is ideal, but if you think its bad here. Try living in a country that will execute its own citizens for trying to educate themselves. Or in a country where all of the fish and game are property of the King and taking even one small bird can result in you and your family being put to death. Sure our laws and regulations aren't great, that is something we can ALL agree upon, but they are what we have and we have to play with the hand we are dealt, and work within a given framework to change and amend these laws. The pure and simple fact is that we as Americans have it way better than most people living on the planet earth right now. Over 2.9 BILLION or 33% of people on this planet make less than $3/day and 1.6 BILLION people lack sufficient housing. Just be glad that you have a roof over your head and a few bucks in your pocket. It can ALWAYS be much worse than forking over $50 bucks to a Tyrannical Oligarchy.
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