Thread: CDFG
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Old 08-27-2016, 01:06 AM   #3
Currently @ MLO Territory
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I think it's going to come down like this:

Information taken from another site:

If you read the law you will see the language is not legalese, but it is very clear and concise: Fishing is a stated absolute right. Meaning it is irrevocable. You can have free speech without a license, you can go to church without a license, Will you be stopped, harassed and even arrested, YES. Will you prevail in court if you cite you Federally and State protected priveleges, YES. Most cases challenged in this manner get thrown out of court in the interest of justice. There is a key statement that a person must make in court and it requires testosterone: Your Honor, I am here because of what is a clear and flagrant violation of my Federal civil right to freedom from unjust detention, equal protection under the law, and my black letter law State of California constitutional right to Fish. Your honor I remind the court that it is the sworn duty of every officer of this court to uphold and defend the Constitution of the State of California, and that there is no immunity for public officials who knowingly or unknowingly violate the civil and constitutional rights of the citizenry. Further Your Honor, I would like to state that such executive an judicial violations are classified as punishable incompatible activities for which a formal complaint can be filed and action taken against the offender. Your Honor I therefore motion the court to rule a factual finding of innocence and an order to all the parties taking action against me to expunge their records of as required by law under such a ruling. End of Statement. If you have testosterone to stand in court and make such a statement, you will enjoy a lifetime of fishing without a license and all your other rights that your grandfathers fought and died for you to keep. The easiest way about this though is to carry a copy of the constitution on your phone and show it to any game warden who attempts to deny you your absolute right to fish! You'll find that if you are polite, they will succumb, if they don't then start your speech (as stated above) and remind them of their sworn duty and how you will respond with an equal amount of paperwork for them violating your rights.

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