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Old 08-12-2016, 07:27 AM   #8
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: San Clemente
Posts: 256
Originally Posted by Deamon View Post
Yep, the access road is on the south side custom residential community pretty far before L.B. That land back there was the Tiger Woods Golf plan thing (so I was told). Back in the day, we took every dirt road from Rosarito to San Quintin, if we thought it could take us to water. We found awesome spots including this one. But erosion has really damaged this access road. I don't know how a tow truck could get to you if you did get stuck...nothing better than finding boiler rocks in the middle of no where, throwing Tady 45's and catching calicos from shore.
I was catching 1.5-2# surf perch on a kastmaster. Beautiful fat fish. Told my buddy I could spear these, they're so big. I was right in the surf line w the sand and debris when this 15# striper gets abt 3' away from me. But like most other fish, you swing a spear gun around too fast, something about that spooks them. I stayed in that water for a long time hoping for a second chance but no go. Quite a while ago...back when stripers were being caught in O.C.'s surf. Jim
It would be fun to take a significant amount of time and explore that way, must've been awesome Jim you lucky sob. Especially when you were doing it sure there were even more gems. Looks from gmaps that you could access the bluff above that beach from the neighborhood in bufadora, little dirt road goes up and over the hill. Thats insane about the striper so cool never knew that. Also a 2lb surf perch is a massive surf perch haha badass.
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