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Old 08-04-2016, 05:38 PM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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Here is the post from last year.

Once again it was time to travel to San Diego to help out with the annual Kid’s Derby at the Shelter Island pier. Since I don’t know how many helpers I would have on the day of derby, for the past few years, I have been going to SD on Friday. That way I can cut bait and prepare bait bags for the kids without the mad dash and the anxiety that happens on the day of derby.
Well, since I was going to SD on Friday, why not jump on a ¾ day Sportfishing boat for some great fishing that is going on these days. More on that on another report.

After getting back from the boat trip, with a help of another volunteer we prepared bags for four (4) hours. I hit the bed at 1:00 AM and got up at 6:30 AM to go to the pier.

Arrived at pier about 7:30 AM. The pier was full of activity with anglers registering and picking up bait and waiting for the 9:00 AM start time. The derby was over at noon when the lunch was served. The organizers gave out goodie bags to the kids at registration, and have done away with the long and tiring raffle process.

I left the pier for Los Angles around 2:00 PM.

Here are some pictures of the day:

1-It was a smaller crowd compared to the years past.

2-UPSAC was represented as usual to help with bait bag preparation.

3-Catherine Miller of San Diego Sportfishing Council (blue vest, white hat) leads the volunteers to put up this derby.

4-My Turkish speaking friend Vic (on the left) is talking to staff from the IGFA who runs the derby and does the presentations. Vic work with the SD Sportfishing council.

The F&W had a booth to provide written information for the anglers.

5-Tommy Gomez of Catalina Offshore products, on the left, provides what is needed and pays his crew to come and prepare delicious tacos for everyone.

6-Delisious tacos. This year it was sea bass and Tuna.

Overall fishing was slow. We did some chumming, but the tide was low and not much water movement.

7-Happy angler with a good size thornback.

8-Addition of derby contestants to the pier regulars made for a busy pier.

9-San Diego Anglers were there too to help out.

10-It was a sight to see the Ronald Regan aircraft carrier to pass on the way to the North Island Navy facility.

11-Happy anglers with their catch.

12-Thomas has been coming to this derby from San Francisco for many years. He usually wins his division. He won the 15 years old division this year.

I had to leave before finding out if he won the overall division or not. This would be his last year, since he will be too old next year.
I hope he can come and visit us anyways.

13-The great crew that made my job much, much easier.

I posted on three websites about the derby to see who can help out. I was lucky and had some great help. They did whatever was asked from them.

Mr. Jive who lives in Georgia and was visiting had seen the post on and came to help out.
Mr. Terry (Capskunk) from the SC Surf Fishing, and a young man named William from San Diego anglers offered their help too.
Mr. Chris (MB surf) from the Kayak website BWE was kind enough to come on Friday and spend four (4) hours helping me prepare bait bags. He then showed up with his son early on Saturday to distribute bait bags before I got to the pier. It was very kind of him. Unfortunately he had to leave before we took the group picture.

We also had a long time pier angler offer his help.

One more derby is in the books.
This year I will again go a day earlier to cut bait, but will take a 1/2 day boat. That way I am not too exhausted to prepare the bait bags.

The End.
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