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Old 07-17-2016, 03:57 PM   #1
The Legend
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 6
LJ report for July 16th

I push out with my buddy on a tandom kayak around 0600. There were at least 15 others out and some boats, all northwest of the condos. We made bait easily on a sabiki. Then trolled around for a few hours never saw anything and no bites. Just about to wrap it up was trolling in and started throwing around a small plastic looking for bass and got hit by a small YT just on the outside of the reserve around 1200. My first yellow on my birthday party, with a lightweight set up. It was so fun! The fish and game was on the inside checking everyone's fish on shore. 3 time out finally got one! Happy Birthday to me. The fish and game guy said no other YT came in and just a few Rock fish. The water was warm the sun was out, it was a great day. I surfed for a few hours and ate that YT for dinner.
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