Thread: see me
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Old 07-17-2016, 06:18 AM   #9
Fishin' Magician
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Newport Beach
Posts: 219
I've been hit by a boat next to the bait barge in Newport, nearly run over by a speed boat in San Diego Bay,and just recently had the only boat in all of Newport Harbor that was out as early as I was come up right behind me, (there was literally NO ONE with hundreds of yards from where I was), and snag my line in his prop. In all cases, I was flying a large orange flag with an American flag below it. No way NOT to see it.

My buddy who was in a bright yellow Malibu Stealth 12 got literally run over by a sail boat and nearly swamped. The boats never stopped, even though a woman looked over the side and saw him. No effort was made to try and save him by the boater, they just kept sailing on as if nothing had happened. Fortunately he was able to paddle back to shore and pumped it all out. We didn't get the hull number but called it in to the Harbor Patrol. Don't know if anything came of it after that.

People just don't notice what they're doing when out on the water. Some of it might be blamed on the sun reflection on the water, but most times, it's just plain carelessness on the part of the boater.

Just be careful out there and don't assume that any boater can see you. I carry a whistle and an air horn. Even that may not be enough.....
Here fishy, fishy, fishy.....
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