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Old 07-16-2016, 08:27 AM   #6
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The better question is perhaps "who's not going to LJ this weekend"? But it's summer, the conditions are great, and the fish have been biting all week. So what do you expect. There are plenty of cold, windy days with out biting fish you can enjoy in the winter if you want LJ to yourself.

Sunday is the only day of the week I can fish, so I'm going. Crowd or no crowd.

I'll toss in a piece of advice that has served me well. Stay away from clusters of private boats. Most of those guys saw a boat on a fish and rushed over to get in on the bite. Then another guy saw 2 boats and thought it has to be good there. Then 3 and so on. Stay away from party boats too. IMO the big spirts boats do us a huge service my pulling in most of the sea lions and clueless skiff anglers. Let them deal with the dogs as you catch fish in dog in skiff free areas.
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