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Old 07-07-2016, 05:56 AM   #10
Saba Slayer
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City or whoever...?

HobieOne Canoebe..."ridiculous...I'm extra bitter because i live right in front of the swamis alpa I just think they should move the zone that's protected every 5 years or so protecting one section of coastline at a time and giving me back my lobster spots lol. seriously though I would think it would be easier to convince the city or whoever to move the alpa every 5 years or so then it would be to remove it and I do like conserving too, just not the best fishing grounds FOR LIFE there should be a reason we are replenish our resources and fish again."

You should go to a CCA meeting or a DFG meeting to talk to a few folks to see who is setting the MPA lines and tune in to what the DFG Commission really thinks about the MPA's.
You seem poorly informed and perhaps you might want to catch up on how it all works and who's in charge.

HobieOneCanoebe..."maybe they could just lower the catch limit per trip on bluefin"...they lowered the catch limit last season to two BFT per person...please don't advocate for a lower limit than that! Lower the commercial quota not the recreational quota...!
Jim / Saba Slayer

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