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Old 07-06-2016, 07:19 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 228
YT fishing is like can get all the advice in the world but it does you no good if you don't apply it out in town. No matter how handsome you think you are if you don't apply yourself you can't expect any hookups. You have to go out there knowing and facing possible rejection many times....but statistically you will eventually hookup if you keep charging....learning and adapting. Everyone has their bad days and nights. There will also be days when everyone around you is hooking up while you go home empty handed...again...there is nothing wrong with you your time will come just keep pressing on and don't give up. And when you do start hooking up with some fat YT you will soon crave something else...maybe something more petite like a calico or something with more junk in the trunk or something more wild and wreckless on your lap to get your pulse boiling like a big halibut. Don't be too picky just go out and fish enjoying all the hookups you might get that day...that little guaranteed rockfish might be surprisingly enjoyable leaving you satisfied for the love of fishing. Trying to go home with the perfect 10 all the time will leave you disappointed i.e. WSB. Some folks don't even target YT and catch them as the bottom for halibut and you will catch everything on the spectrum and if you love fishing for what it is that is enjoyable...I still enjoy fishing for surf perch on the beach in a foot of water. Just fish...

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