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Old 07-05-2016, 04:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 29
First Yak Session at Mako Bobs (First Post on BWE)

2nd trip down to Baja California with fish catching machine Dave Sivak, this time a 5 day jaunt to Mako Bob's place and when left the OC at 2 am on Thursday June 30th I had no idea that I would be having my first session in a kayak at Punta Bufeo by 11 am.

Wind conditions varied daily so plans had to be flexible and no two days were the same. We had planned to return Tuesday but the wind howled all Sunday night and showed no sign of dropping so we headed home on the 4th.

The trip was another learning experience as I usually fish in a tube or a toon and the hot and windy weather made fly casting a real challenge at times especially in the surf. Orange Mouth Corvina was the target species on the fly but the buggers didn't get the memo and were a no show. Bob got one throwing a croc tho.

Hard pulling Blue and black Triggerfish,

surface skittering Needlefish,

3 feet of wired muscle

and a plague of Spotted Bay Bass from 2"-19"

Their teeth were way sharper than the NPH or SD Bay Spotties I've caught

happily whacked any wiggly offering put in front of them and a few new species were added to the list although I have no idea what they were. The fish were hitting a 2" all white SF Blend Clouser in the surf and a big shouldered 4" Mullet fly drifting and trolling over the reefs in the yak.

Some kind of Wrasse

Pretty fish

No idea what this is.....

But it pulled hard

I also had a National Geographic moment when Bob yelled "Rooster" and a 30 lb + Rooster came crashing over a reef with its massive shoulders and dorsal fin out of the water chasing a terrified airborne mullet right onto the shoreline a few feet away from me. It was all over in seconds with no time for photos and it keeps replaying over and over in my head. Needless to say the Rooster totally ignored my fly. Gotta go get one..........Big thank you to Dave for driving and to Mako Bob from for his hospitality letting me take over his Hobie Outback, first time in a yak for me and I liked it so now I'll have to get one..............and getting us to obscure beaches on his quad. Fun times indeed.

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