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Old 07-05-2008, 10:58 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
I love tourist.....

Not only do they provide great entertainment while I prepare to launch, but are generally happy to take a photo. Another empty afternoon with no kayak fisherman and a couple of boats. The sporties were gone after 4:00p.m. and the Yellowtail came out to play.

I could of caught as many as I wanted, but had more important things to do. Like peddle for my life, since I neglected to properly fasten my drain plug . I turned around and noticed my fish was dragging in the water (hmmmm, that's funny) and freaked when I opened my center hatch (half full of water ). Survival mode kicked in and I started bailing as fast as I could. Dumped my bait, emptied the tank, and peddled past quite a few lucky schools of Yellowtail on my way in. They were taunting me, and gave me a virtual escort half the way home. The good news is that my kayak passed the "fill up with water test" at home. I have a good idea where I'll be sunday afternoon, how about you?

Last edited by THE DARKHORSE; 07-05-2008 at 11:15 PM.
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