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Old 06-27-2016, 06:12 AM   #2
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Unfortunately - as is typical with all things, only a very few people like yourself and Wendy actually put in the days and hours and mileage to try to make a difference.
The rest of us watch from a distance (I count me in this group right now, but truth be told I spent 10 years doing it volunteering on the board and as president of the San Diego Oceans Foundation).
Then there is always those who do nothing but complain about how YOU are not doing anything and how you are either trying to just take money from people or are just wasting every ones time. 10 years of that crap finally broke me so took the "life's too short" attitude and gave up. I fully understand Wendy's frustration as I've been there...
I pay my CCA dues though, and I don't even fish in this god-forsaken State anymore.
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