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Old 06-12-2016, 10:06 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 309
I've had a similar experience except my Malibu extreme filled through the bait tank opening. I was able bilge the water out with a hand pump but I was exhausted to continue fishing. I learned always to watch how my kayak sits on top of the water.

While out practicing launching and landing at D.P. I was doing great until I launched through a huge wave. Kayak flipped and the rod leash wrapped around my neck. It wasn't easy to get unwrapped only to be slammed by another wave. It was the end of practicing as I was dazed and exhausted.

While out of cherry beach in L.B.. I flipped my kayak only 200 yds from shore. It was during very bad conditions. I was the only kayaker that chose to stay out. I wasn't concerned with the waves because the waves are not that big. Flipped the kayak on a sneaker and lost everything. I was lucky to flip the kayak right side up only to have the kayak filled with water. I was lucky to get the kayak to shore dazed and exhausted.

Scupper holes and center hatch will keep a watchful eye as what could go wrong. Glad that you and your kid are ok.

Situations turn from 0 to 100000000............
Always be prepared.
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