Thread: Night Fishing
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Old 06-04-2016, 11:22 PM   #5
Sea Hunter
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Go with a partner .....

I got my first WSB by my self but there were a lot of free swimming squid kayakers and boats it was a wide open wsb bite off la jolla in July. I launched one time at 2am and paddle to only one light on the horizon, it was a guy anchored sleeping in a boat and would not get up, so with no buddy out there and no moon light to see I paddled into the kelp and tied off, it seemed forever till first light you really feel vulnerable by your self.Another time I went by my self in a red tide what a trip that was everything under you lights up I'm thinking that big object that swam under me all lit up was a seal could have been a shark who no's
If you need a partner to go with send me a message and we can plan a trip if there's wsb around I like to go on a full moon
Duke Mitchell
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