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Old 05-26-2016, 03:46 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
To answer your question, yes exactly. we only go on days when its dead calm, why would we bother going on days when its blowing 15-20 mph with a 4' swell?

As far as the HDS touch goes nowhere in my response did I speak highly of it, I simply said that it works much much better when your fingers are wet/moist. If you're going to give advise on something give advice based on your experiences and not your assumptions or some review that you read. Is the touch unit for everyone? No, its not.

Do you carry freshwater to dip your fingers in before you touch the screen? Like I said before, saltwater on the screen sucks. And it happens to people enough to the point that they bring a freshwater squirt bottle along with them to clean the screen that isnt touch. And now you are saying its better to dip your hand in saltwater to get them wet before you touch the screen, just does not make sense to me. Im going to stand behind my answer of I would never buy one.

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