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Old 05-09-2016, 06:50 AM   #62
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Orange County Ca.
Posts: 99
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My name is Darren and I am a fishing addict. I do not understand why or when it even started. But it has been a constant in my life. I can't thank my dad enough for taking the time to take me from the time I was very young. I have many other interests guns, fast cars, fast motorcycles, computers/technology most started a little later in life but I enjoy them all. Fishing however it just seems like there is nothing better than fishing with friends and family and even alone. Kayak fishing allows me to fish with others and not be tied to others. I can explore on my own and still be with others. The constant challenge of trying to figure out what will get them to bite even on the most frustrating days. Its a game sometimes I win most times I lose. But as long as I am trying there is always a chance no matter how slim something magical will happen. I fish because of what might happen, I fish because its an undeniable part of me, I fish for family and friends. Sometimes I fish just because "its there". Yes I sometimes I hear voices, fish calling to me... Especially if I have not been out in a long time. Maybe its beyond addiction at this point maybe its more like a terminal sickness cured only by death. I don't know I just do it because I have to. For me I just have to. Yep definitely terminal. If your reading this pops thank you for all of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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