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Old 06-25-2008, 09:14 PM   #1
LocoKayako's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 91
Pacific Adventure 6/25/08 Catalina

A little tired here, but here it goes.
I've been wanting to get on one of these trips like this for a while. I finally was able to get some time off of work and made my reservations. For tackle, I packed everything I thought I would need for this trip, then I went through it a second time and got rid of some more stuff, trying to pack light.

Got to LA Harbor Sportfishing at 5 AM on the dot, as requested by the landing. The boat was scheduled to leave at 6 AM, and we had a couple stragglers get to the landing at 5:57 AM. We got a littlle later start then we wanted, but we were gonna fish catalina during the week. We started launching the kayaks around 9:15-9:30 AM.
Here is a shot of our drop off spot:

Bait was a mixture of 95 to 5 chovies to dines. My first scoop of bait did not have any dines, and Andy was generous enough to hand me a dine. The result was a small calico. So went out to deeper water and started throwing the blue and white salas 6x Jr. Long story short, nothing. Ended the day with 4-5 short hali's.
Here is a pic of the swim step the crew made that hangs on the rail for loading and unloading, and is easy to get on/off:
And here is a pic of all of us after a day of kayaking catalina, of course once I took the pic I had to join in nap time:
The crew worked hard to leave on time and get things done in a timely manner. We didn't catch any big fish but it was nice to be out there instead of being at work.

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