Thread: YARD SALE!!
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Old 04-24-2016, 06:58 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by rdahl View Post
I will add a story that may help people in the event of a big wave in the face. Was paddling out in the dark one time in March several years ago (seabass around). There was big surf. Could not see it. No stars or moon. Could here it. After years of surfing and kayaking there was no confidence lacking. Stood in knee deep water for a long time counting sets and trying to find a lull. Thought I found one, jumped in and paddled like there was no tomorrow. Could barely see a horizon. Kept jamming out to where I thought I was getting close to the end of the surf line. Could feel a big wave coming in. Getting sucked out, horizon disappears. knowing big wave is going to break completely over me I am paddling as fast as possible to pop out the back of the wave. It happens. Big face comes completely over me. I am going at least 5 mph and fly up and out the back of the wave. As I am going airborne, something is not right. When the face broke over me, I ducked at the last minute. I did not do anything with my paddle. It was perpendicular to the wave. Wave snapped it in two. Had a good landing out the back of the wave but with the paddle snapped in two, and the next set wave approaching, there was not much to do. Bailed just before it hit me, and held on to the yak to prevent full yard sale. Got nailed, but made it back to the beach without any loss of gear. Drove home, got my extra paddle, and made it out on the 2nd try-though it was light at the time.

Note to self and others: when going through a wave, tuck and point paddle straight into the face.
Now that must of been a big wave! I usually can just lift it over my head to avoid the paddle catching....that's unless it's bigger than my arm can reach.

A few weeks back in pitch black darkness a wave smashed my deck...plowed through but my lowrance fishfinder snapped off its base and good thing it didn't rip it from the cable because that was the only thing keeping it onboard. Now if there are waves that are bigger than shin slappers I will stow the fish finder....same coming back if it's rough.

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