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Old 04-19-2016, 08:27 AM   #5
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It is hard to read the page, but the Solenoid possibility is #6, ahead of the safety switch.
There is also no mention of “click” either.

The original post did not indicate that the vehicle was a stick shift. These days %99 of vehicles are equipped with automatic transmission.

However, I still feel that if there is a clicking noise, there is current to the solenoid. That would eliminate ignition switch, safety switch, wiring, relay/s etc.

Every time an engine is cranked, the solenoid contacts wear out due to current jumping from one contact to other. It is the same principal as arc welding.

If you are familiar with the old distributors where they had points and condenser, the points would be pitted due to current jumping. The condenser was there to reduce this effect. Regardless, the points and condenser had to be changed during tune-ups.
There is no condenser that I am aware for the starter.

Without looking at the wiring diagram and having a voltmeter attached while the problem happens, it would be a lot of guess work.

Good luck in finding the problem, and please post the findings.
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