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Old 01-05-2006, 03:24 PM   #10
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 30
The inside "spot" was pretty dead most of the morning, though the occassional sand bass would inhale my bottom rig. Talked with Kurt for a while, but I soon bored him into leaving for more a more interesting conversation with Andy (and much more action).

I was throwing a sardine megabait for a long while with nothing to show, so I switched over to the trusty blue-white with rusty hooks. I was metering a big bait ball in about 100 feet and threw at it once for nothing. The drift was pretty quick to the SW so I paddled back to the bait ball - which looked like it had scattered along the bottom ... not the big ball like before.

I threw at it again and let the BW sink - just before it hit bottom it got slammed. The fish started towing me in circles and I felt a few tail thumps so I was thinking YT, but it never made a horizontal run ... so I started thinking BSB. The fish was sulking down there spinning me in circles for a few minutes before I started to get some line. Then more line ... and more line and a few minor runs.

I like to reel in from the right side of the yak for my gaff shots, but my line and the fish were down underneath the yak to my left, so with the dirty water I couldn't see any color. Then the fish just gave up and a minute later out from underneath my uninitiated P13 popped a big fish head: 8)

The fish weighed in at 42# 6 oz.

I had to complete my 2005 New Year's resolution, thus the change in name. Short for fishin' The other choices were unaccaptable to the family, Brad ... and Andy. :roll:

Fishing for LJ sand bass is still a lot of fun. I never saw the birds Andy was talking about and there was absolutely no surface activity on the inside. If I were you, I'd go for the longer paddle, 'cuz I was just lucky ... and eating well tonight with a big smile.

Good luck out there!

F'nArne 8)
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