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Old 06-20-2008, 11:16 AM   #17
Billy V
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Originally Posted by sbsyncro View Post
If I had to fish the waters around SD all year round where the surf gets a lot bigger than it normally is here in SB, I would probably do the following:

Separate rods and reels. Store reels in zip-loc baggies (or dry bag) inside a hatch. Lash rods together with a strip or two of velcro and attach them to the side of the yak using the paddle keeper, but also put a bungee-based tether on them just in case.
I do a similar thing upon returning through the surf.

I remove the reels, and store them in a dry bag, then place them inside the hatch. The same goes for the fish finder.

The rods have their own system.
I use a couple of flexible twist tie sticks to attach them to a pool noodle, and leash the whole thing to the yak.

-It will float like a cork with 4 rods attached. Everything else is attached to the Game Clip which is also attached to the pool noodle.
Even if by some chance a leash should break the whole thing would be floating right there in plain sight.
It works with a bait tank in the well, just stick them along side, or leash them anywhere you want.
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