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Old 04-04-2016, 01:23 PM   #4
Hunters Pa
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Mine learned spinning reels a lot faster than I thought. Get a sturdier (6-12 lb line rated) rod about 5 -6 feet long. Something easy for them to handle but sturdy enough to handle some abuse. And inexpensive enough that you won't get upset of it gets broken if it is used as a light saber.

Same approach on the reel. Something they can handle easily, but that you can take apart to clean out the dirt & sand if it gets dragged behind them for 20 yards before you realize.

I'm not saying your kid will do these things, but when supplying any activity for my kids I try to avoid potential frustration on my part from the start. A happy daddy makes for a happier outing.
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