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Old 06-16-2008, 03:06 PM   #1
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Shelter Island 6/16

So my fiance had her bridal shower this weekend so all the women in her family were in town. Abbey's sister brought her son Maack who is now 3, and has more energy than just about everyone on the planet. I figured he would love a trip out in the bay in the kayak. Drove over to my fiances house at the butt-crack of 8:30am and picked him up. Of course his mom had to get a couple shots of us pre-adventure:

Two tough guys

So we set off for the bay, we were on the water in no time. Paddle over to the channel and drop a fish trap a fire tiger frenzy...they wanted the fire tiger. The bass were down to play, and Maack was having a ball. He's not quite big enough yet to hold the rod himself, but he loved cranking them in with Uncle Evan's help. After several sandies we got our first halibut, 21" and fiesty. After a picture with the camera phone back down he went. After a couple sculpin and a spottie we had to get out of the channel due to an aircraft carrier coming through with super uptight Naval Security boats pushing everyone out of the way. Cant blame em for being so anal, just wouldnt mind them doing their job with a smile . So south of the channel, off North Island in about 39' of water, start dragging the fire tiger again, hand the rod off to Maack to hold (with both hands), just as soon as I do that the rod doubles over and I have a feeling its a flattie. Maack tries for a couple minutes to fight it while Im holding the rod but he wants to hand it off. I fight it for a couple minutes and up he comes, quick gaff shot and hes on the boat. Maacks is sooo excited. Throw him on the game clip and game over for this guy. Thats when the 'but goes berserk and slimes Maacksince its basically in his lap. He wasnt to happy about it but makes a quick recovery. Back to the launch and over to OEX for a weight. 11lbs. Not bad for a 3 year olds first legal hali! Got back to the girl house and snapped a couple pics before we cut him up. Enjoy!

One of my best days on the water ever. This Uncle stuff isnt to bad
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