Thread: Fish ID?
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Old 03-16-2016, 08:16 PM   #2
Fishing Patriot
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Originally Posted by knightnsd View Post
All I want to know is how it tasted? Do the small ones taste any better than the big BSB's? I think that "looks like Mexico in the background of the photo", tell the DFG to pound sand.


I used to think the DFG officers were there to protect the resources we all enjoy but between hunting and fishing, it seems they are often looking for a violation. In general, contact with them in the field or on the water just makes you think what might I have done wrong? I feel like my hunting and fishing fees are like taxes, paying for more government pricks to make more laws that they can eventually fine one of us for accidental violation of. I think I need an attorney prior to taking a fish or shooting something these days to ok the shot first, check the area, the season, the sex, can I use a dog on this hunt, can I bait pigs(illegal in California despite them being a nuisance), can I use lead ammo in this area, can I use a barbed hook, how deep can I fish, where can I fish, it a bureaucracy of laws, sub-laws and regulations that is a net to snare one of us even as we attempt to stay on top of the take-laws. Try asking a DFG agent what you can do about seals and sea lions, one said I could use a non-lethal deterrent but another told me I could not harass them as they are a protected sea mammal so a paint ball gun might be an offense. The following site cant even answer the question regarding seals and sea lions.

http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa....ce_methods.pdf )

Everyone here has heard various take-laws on the water from a friend or had a friend miss-id a fish or a buddy that shot a wood-duck or other out of season by a day or two. If the water warms up again we will have to be very diligent on take-laws that may change mid-season or on some odd-fish that ends up here.
HAHA!! Love the way you think! Looks yummy. You're right, peace officers (cops), DFG, CHP, etc. only care about one thing, CONVICTIONS, because it pays their salary. Plain and simple. Sure a few might have the right intentions when they first join, but with the labor unions, it all goes to shit quick fast and in a hurry. Ever wonder why there's no REAL victim? It's the Judge(commissioner), Prosecution and the cop all ganged up against the defendant (YOU), and they ask you if you're going to waive your constitutional rights in order to enter a plea whether its guilty or not guilty. Why is that? Why do you need to waive your Constitutional rights? Because it's statutory law (contract law) which doesn't have jurisdiction within the confines of the Constitution (civil law). They never have "Corpus Delecti" (which is the injured party, either physically or monetarily), they just have the lame ass claim that you injured the "People of the State of California", which is complete B.S.
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