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Old 03-12-2016, 01:19 PM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 29
I camped and fished out there via islandpackers on a 3 day trip. Swell will come from your 2 o'clock on way there. But swell is secondary by far. I got in mass trouble at Santa Cruz because of wind. Had to beach and wait for like 8 hours due to wind and current. Scary scary. Horrible time of year to try this. I am not hating but I give you a 15% chance on making it. 85% you will be calling for rescue. Just take islandpackers and go island hoping. Camp at smugglers or scorpions. I would do this first then try the long haul in July or August. Call vessel assist and get info on how many boats they assist every weekend. 3 friends of a friend died on there boat trying to cross a few years ago. It's not like down south (catalina) there are not as many boats crossing so you are all alone except for the cargo boats. Trust me paddling from island to island will be extreme enough. Again camp out there via island packers first. It will be cheaper than paying for the rescue.
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