Thread: Baja Trips
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Old 03-08-2016, 01:03 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 70
Thanks guys for the responses. Its pretty much what I was reading/discovering but ive had so many people tell me "just go and whats the worst that can happen"

Well... even if its only a 10% chance of getting hassled, its not worth it to me for a vacation with the wife. If I was alone, I might have chanced it. Im so bummed... but I think ill just sit it out and be sensible. I was really considering it since I know they do have to let us in eventually being a citizen, but hearing that they might need it for an air lift sealed the deal. Did not think about the extra check points either.

I didn't really want to go during Easter but that was when my wife was off school. We will just have to try again next month when I get the funds to get them. I think it was going to be just over $400 to get both of ours expedited...

Thanks for no name calling! I was expecting a lot of it! Ill make it down there some day soon. Its so close and its everything we could hope for in an adventure. Yet... so far
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