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Old 03-03-2016, 07:53 PM   #7
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It'll take some time to get used to your drag setting. I recall the very first time I went fishing on a cattle boat my initial thought was to get the drag as tight as possible, I learned pretty quick what a mistake that was. My drag is usually set to a point where I know its tight enough for the fish to get hooked but light enough so that I can allow it to run. Once I know the hook is set I slowly tighten the drag until it gets to a point where I can muscle the fish up while still allowing it to run.

If you start a thread asking how tight your drag should be you'll get a million answers from a million experts but only you will know the setting and this is something you'll learn over time. Don't get discouraged, keep at it and before you know you'll land that first big fish, after that it's all downhill.
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