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Old 06-09-2008, 08:46 AM   #4
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Passed San Martin about 0400 and it was blown, cold and brown.
San Geronimo on the way down. Not stopping there, either.

Scott and Bob. Trip regs. They've switched to Hobies since last trip, but I still think they're cool people.

Part of a pretty fish I got after I had already released a yellow I got on the bass gear, which was filmed by the cameraman with the Hobie guys. I hope my OK is up to their film standards. My camerawork sure needs help. This guy douched my camera and I was much less inclined to shoot from this point on. Honestly I was not a dedicated cameraman on this trip. Sorry for that.

The marine layer was flowing over the top the entire trip, but we were in the sun almost the whole time.

Point to looker's left is San Agustin. Lots of life around there, but lots of wind. We put a bunch of yellows on the big boat here.

Jan and Capt Klein. Some say it blows when John's on the boat, but John disagrees. Frankly, having him and his wealth of experience and info on board was worth a little wind. The man has done some stuff in incredible places. This was my first Qualifier trip with John actually on the boat.

We're making a move looking for better water. Were almost directly downwind of a fresh breeze and these gulls were flying backwards as we motored.

Some arches in the Morro Redondo area. The fishing was cold and slow in this area, so I took the Sea World tourist route and explored the inside.

Kelp, Morro Redondo and the Qualifier 105. I had a couple yt followers in this area, but no connects. I was potholing mats of kelp and tossing lures in the channels between. In one area, while fishing a channel I got 3 humboldts in a row on BH swimbaits. Bob also got one in the area while potholing. EFFF THAT!

In tight looking around. Awesome looking arroyo, with halibut in the gravel.

Arch from the other side, and Scott fishing a boiler with Isla Natividad in the b/g.

Kelp crab.

A bunch of Guadalupe Fur seal pups. I glided in a bit too close and they scattered before I could shoot the pic. But the individual markings on their faces was kinda cute. For the record I like seals. I'm a little harsher with their cousin the CA sea lion.

That's my A-list pics, I guess. The out of focus, overzoomed, dirty lens pics are omitted.

I know Jared made some dedicated effort to get the bigger fish, and it paid off for him. He ran into a few fish up and boiling and was able to get a surface iron on them and was rewarded with a nice 30# yellar.

Last edited by Zed; 06-09-2008 at 11:16 AM.
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