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Old 02-22-2016, 11:35 AM   #8
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 228
I could go Bear Grylls on the fish and just start tearing into it once caught...

For you sashimi or sushi lovers out there what is the best prep after the transport home to kill any worms etc in a YT?

Looking around the web in regards to sushi I'm reading you should freeze your fish first but I'm reading elsewhere that a regular freezer won't kill the parasites. Flash freezing would do but I don't have that tech.

Also if I did freeze it will it taste gamey raw after thawing it slowly in the fridge?

Or is there no problem eating it raw after just keeping in the fridge over night and not worrying about freezing it?

Anyone work at a sushi restaurant and have the intel on how their fish comes in i.e. flash frozen, fresh just on ice etc? The wife is a little concerned about the need to freeze but I don't want to yuck up the meat.

Thx for the tips...I think I'll find a burlap sack and bring the empty cooler and grab ice on the way back as mentioned.
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