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Old 02-01-2016, 02:26 PM   #1
Geno Machino
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Posts: 553
Distance edict on anchored up boats?

Just like to hear how close you guys feel it is ok to get, while fishing in a pack of anchored up boats in an area?

I know when I had a skiff fishing the ghosts on the hook back in the day, I considered kayaks as a boat and expected them to keep their distance, just like any other boat. Since this my first winter fishing from a yak, I just encountered this scenario last week for the first time.

I stayed outside and to the east of the clutter, and hooked my PB yt, only to lose it to a dog and hour and a half later - playing tug of war. The sea lion took me into 60' of water right outside of the pier.

Anyways, I just found some bait away from the pack and got lucky - sort of .

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