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Old 02-01-2016, 10:05 AM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ocean Beach
Posts: 90
We had some blasts up to 40 mph overnight in Ocean Beach. I thought for sure I was going to lose some trees. My backyard and driveway this morning looks like a vegetation bomb went off. A really big tree fell around the corner blocking the street and ripping up the gas line, and a woman was crushed to death in her car in PB Sunday afternoon by a very old Torrey Pine.

On my way to work I saw four boats sunk or on the rocks along San Diego's Embarcadero. One trimaran is bashed on the rocks, one really big ketch is sitting on the bottom with only the two masts sticking out of the water, another ketch was being pulled off the rocks by a tow boat, and a fourth, a 25'-ish sloop was trying to commit suicide by bashing itself to death alongside the very sturdy B Street Pier.

It's crazy out there with the wind streaking in from the north trying to rip flags off flagpoles, even now, Monday at 11 am.
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