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Old 05-29-2008, 08:03 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: 1-2 miles off the point
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5/27 Seal Beach Hali-button

Wednesday is now my official day off for Summer. Launched into lil ankle slappers and little more wind and chop than I hoped for. Seal Beach is less than 4 miles from home, so real easy on the gas. Paddled out toward the Federal breakwall with a plug on one side and a sabiki on the other. Picked up a pair of perfect candy bar greenbacks. Flylined one and traprigged the second. Set up on a reef that comes up from 45 to 35 feet. Sculpin eats my lil greenie.......big mouth bastard!

slim pickins with a couple sandbass on plastics. Head in to fish along the beach. short halibut, calicos along the jetti on plastics. School of these came through. hooked a couple that were too close to call, but saw a couple obvious keepers, one bigger model rolled in front of me and had one twice the size follow a hooked fish to the surface. Fun morning, landed at 11. ........until Next week.

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