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Old 12-04-2015, 08:52 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Saba Slayer View Post
Nice job on your first kayak WSB.

Jim/DEAMON have you done your part...?... you WSB Killer...!
I haven't been catching fish have been identified at Eastern Pacific Silver Drum. Okay seriously Jim S...I'm hit or miss on the head turning in thing. I've turned in my share but have been leaning towards gifting them to my Asian peeps.

Yeah, I could lie about it but when every Jap (only we can use this term!), Filipino or Thai person ALWAYS asks for the head...I'm like "why the head?". The response is ALWAYS, "it's the best part!". So I struggle. If only the head could be checked for the tag AND consumed by the people...

Here are the other deal(s)...
Hubbs has never been open for me to meet "Eric" (I'm a weekend warrior). If I get greeted, it's "the freezer is outside, drop it there...or go across the street and drop it off at Dana Tackle...oh by the way, give all the info on date, location, the guys at Dana too.
I've made requests to be notified if/if not this is a tagged fish...I ask for the drum bones...a mere acknowledgement that I did my part, but no. The responses have been near ZERO. I have never been told one of these fish are tagged...

I don't want to throw rocks but someone's not respecting the effort required to get the head down to Hubbs/Dana Tackle...I'm just saying.

Recreational Fisherman's Catch...2%
Commercial Fisherman's Catch- 98%
Recreational Fishing Kayakers Catch- .00001%
"The reality is that the wall was built to keep all Asians ~specifically Japanese and those that think they're japanese~ out of the U.S"

Last edited by Deamon; 12-04-2015 at 09:02 AM.
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